
Well the weather is doing its usual, all over the place! I woke up this morning and it was snowing. Well it is Alaska, but come on now stop snowing. Then I look out again and now its raining. We are having temps in the upper 30’s and low 40’s. At this rate, we may have breakup sooner than normal. I am hoping that we will so the Lee students can see this event happen. 

So the count down continues to get smaller and smaller until June 12. Really looking forward to spending time with family this summer and not worry about anything else. Not even going to take classes this summer. I just want to spend time with my family and enjoy my time. I want no distractions, well except for fishing HAHA!! I can’t wait to get a line in the water with my mom and dad. 

Daily Scripture

Philippians 2:13

” for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.”

This is a great scripture. We see that God does things for us and through us for His pleasure. Everything that we do in life, God has His hands upon. Even when we are not in the will of God, He is still there.

It brings God great pleasure to see you succeed, to bless you, to bring you joy and peace, and to provide for your every need. Even when things look dark and rough, God’s light is right there ready to shine.

And here is one of the disclaimers I like to throw out. Scripture goes together with scripture. So even though we only see Philippians 2:13 at the top does not mean there are more scriptures that link together with it. There are several scriptures that go with this. I always encourage people to read around and see what else goes in with the scripture reference.

Philippians 2:13 has a title of being a “Light Bearer.” This means that we must carry the torch, be the salt and light of the earth, and teach and preach the gospel. Now if we look at Philippians 2:14(please read) we are to do all things without complaining. Now I know that in life, we are human beings and we like to complain. I myself complain about doing dishes and laundry all the time(can’t wait to have a dishwasher). But in everything we must do and everything that we put our hands to, we need to do so with a humble, positive, and caring attitude. We get much farther by doing things this way. And remember, we are always being watched. We are always being a witness to people even if we don’t want to. So the listen learned here is that we must be a witness for God in all that we do. Just remember that you are what you believe you are!

As a wrap this up. Please keep Casey Ubben and family in your prayers.

I will be working over the next several weeks to develop a new website that will have podcast, audio sermons, prayer request corner and daily scripture. Once I get that up I will attach a link to it on this website. God bless and have a great day!